Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Items of Interest

- I regretfully inform you that the petition did not reach 25 signatures and therefore I will not approach MK to Walk it Out. I know you are all saddened.
- The Real Housewives of New Jersey is a show I should blog about. It's the real deal, and by real deal I mean awesome. There are endearing qualities in most of the women and yet somehow, I feel like they could make me sleep with the fishes with one phone call. Bravo, 9 PM CST Tuesdays.
- I'm still working at Griffin and, as strange as this sounds, am loving it. I like the idea of working for something. It's a novel concept. Teach it to your children early. Maybe make them build that tree house in the back yard (with adult supervision) Not that Kay and Bob didn't try. I just don't think I fully understood it until now.
- I'll agree with Erin that I'm glad American Idol is done for the year. Nothing against it, but if you don't watch it it does get old.
- A note to those who TiVo or DVR or even VHS it...just because we have this technology does not mean that you get to dictate when people can discuss shows. If American Idol was on but you didn't get to watch it, you don't get to tell everybody to stop talking about what happened. You get to remove yourself from the situation and think about how awesome it is to have a life and not be able to watch things the same night as they originally air. But you will not tell me what I can or cannot talk about. AMERICA!
- If you are a friend of mine on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, you have seen multiple statuses (stati, statutes??) concerning bubblegum ice cream from Baskin Robbins. I wish I could give it another name and you would try it then. Trust me however, as I ate my double scoop cup tonight of it I was whisked away to Glenside Drive circa 1988.
- If you are single, you check out the finger of every person that walks by you to see if they are wearing a wedding ring. Then 3 different thoughts come to mind: 1. Dang it! Married! I missed my chance! 2. How are they married before me!?!?! or 3. Awwww...married...that's cute.

Meet Caroline, Dina, Teresa, Danielle & Jacqueline or as I am now referring to them...The GodMothers.


Michael and Jana said...

Excellent post! I could speak to each point, but won't since you are in the room with me now. Just thought it deserved a comment.

Jen Clapp said...

Agreed. Excellent post! Specifically topic AMERICA! :)