Thursday, May 14, 2009

You know you want to sign the petition

Michael Kelley has been singing "Walk It Out" around the Kelley household since his endeavor into Zumba. If you want to see a video of Michael performing the "Walk It Out" dance (or should it be said a video of Michael Walkin' It Out?) send a comment to this post. Invite your friends. Let your voice be heard. If we get 25 comments, I will somehow convince MK to walk it out (or maybe do the Stanky Legg.)


Erin said...

I am saddened that I am the only one that has commented. I'm sure Michael is not.

Amber said...

my vote STANKY LEG!

Michael and Jana said...

Most assuredly he needs to be seen dancing, but it may be too much to handle for all of us.

Anonymous said...

my vote is for the stanky leg!!!!


Anonymous said...

whatever stanky leg is, i really want to see it.

kristi s.

Jason said...

bring it on!

Drew said...


Anonymous said...



kinsley said...

Obviously, I'm on board.

Anonymous said...

i want to see some dancing!

Jeremy and Jessica Bagge said...

I always knew MK had a ghetto else could Jana love him?! ;) Now, let's see him shake his tail feather, drop it like it's hot and walk it out!

Michelle Acton said...

dance, monkey, dance

Carrie said...

I don't even know what Zumba is, but this sounds highly entertaining.

Haley said...

Can I comment more than once?

Unknown said...

I would love to see Michael dance! I should get two votes.......

Sarah Stephens said...

I'm also signing this. I guess I should have been the first.

byates3789 said...

Oh, it is time. Dance, Michael, dance!

Laura Coggin said...

yes please!

Hannah said...

it's time, michael. we're all here.


Anonymous said...

Dance Michael! Dance!


Anonymous said...

