If you've been around me for any amount of time you may know that I have an idea that I am on a reality show that I don't know about. I'm thinking it's something like The Truman Show. Here are some of the reasons. I think you'll find them justifiable.
1. People in Nashville stare more than any places I've lived. It's a strange phenomenon. I think it's because there are lots of semi-famous here so we're all trying to find out who you are.
2. At the Apple Store Monday, the guy checking me out (with one of their awesome portable credit card machines) and as he ran my card, the machine made a beeping noise. Dude begins to do the robot. Now if you've been in The Apple Store you know that it is almost always busy. As he began the dance I just kind of smiled and thought, "Get me the hell out of here!" However, I have to act accordingly because, as you know, I could be on a reality show.
3. All of you people are just slick enough to pull it off.
4. I LOVE PUBLIX. It is truly a delight to shop there. Their people are friendly. Their prices are good. Their stores are nice. Today while I was leaving the produce section, one of the friendly Publix employees says in all sincerity, "G'day mi'lady!" and bowed. Now, if you ever go to the grocery store on a Sunday afternoon you know that this is busy time. It was packed and I've got this guy bowing to me.
5. I thought I spotted cameras outside my office window pointed at me. It turns out it wasn't.
These are just a few reasons. If it's true, you're all good actors. You've had me fooled for a long time, but I'm on to you.