Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Whatever Martha

Have you seen this show?? I was bored while the presidential debate was on and couldn't bring myself to watch E.T. so I turned to FLN and a show called 'Whatever Martha' was on. I can't believe this is a show...its pretty funny. Its Martha's daughter and some other girl just making fun of Martha's show. Histerical. One of the girls just said 'OMG'...literally the abbrev. I'm probably in the dark but you know I haven't seen TV in like 3 months.

Heres the link to the show


Stacey said...

I haven't seen it, but I did hear about it! That's pretty funny...but does Martha know her daughter is making fun of her?!? I mean, I'm sure SOMEONE has told Martha, right?

Ann Catherine said...

that's hilarious!! "OMG!"