Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay, okay...I'm sorry I've failed you, my faithful readers. I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. It's pretty ridiculous but honestly I felt completely uninspired during the last month. For those of you who don't know, I lost my job in January so I moved to Jackson where I found a job. In the meantime, I figured out that Jackson isn't home for me anymore. So I decided to move back to Nashville...all in a month's time. So there, that's how I'll explain it.

On to what you're here for. A few things you need to know about...

1. I walked into my grandfather's room (that's Boppa, to most of you) one morning and his bottom teeth were on the floor under his bed. I'm just glad I got there before Jack got to them. That dog has been looking to get some new teeth.
2. March Madness has turned into March Sadness as my Dawgs lost in the first round. It was quite a few weeks for my beloved Bullies. I am eternally proud to be an MSU Bulldog. That's right, eternally, because deep down I know the Lord cheers for the Maroon and White. (kidding, seriously.)
3. Before I moved to Jackson, I packed everything (and I do mean, everything) in boxes and tubs and stacked them in my room. So now I'm back and don't know what to unpack and what to just keep in boxes for my move in April. To say I feel unsettled would be an understatement.
4. Bob and I watched "Frozen River" last week. I liked it a lot and would like to recommend it to you.
5. Professor Jeremiah Laskey is on "Big Love". At least he is on this episode. Who can name the show Professor Jeremiah Laskey was on?
6. The starting gun was fired for "The Amazing Race" a few weeks back and this season has been great so far. Some highlights are the great cheese downhill race, Phil in his blackie tighties (I'm not being racist. They were tight, black underoos,) mischievous blind u-turns (I'm not being mean on this one either. Let's not forget that the blind can mail for free.) If you're not watching, you're not really living.
7. "Friday Night Lights" is the best thing going. Seriously, RUN don't walk to Best Buy and buy Seasons 1 & 2. Better yet, get in your car and get it. It's quicker that way. Once you see Tim Riggins, you'll thank me.
8. Apparently in my unemployment I have lots of time to watch TV. This is more than normal.
9. While watching the only episode of "Big Love" I've seen, I realize that I'm glad I'm not a Morman. 

Okay, I promise I'll be good. Would this face lie to you?


Amber said...

saved by the bell the college years...BOOYA

Michael and Jana said...

Glad your back and glad your back. You follow?

Haley said...

Duh. SBTB The College Years. He was Kelly's lovah.

My Netflix sent me Big Love. I like it, but not as much as Tommy Gavin. Actually, I like Johnny Gavin the bestest.