Friday, March 7, 2008

Shooting WHAT?!?!?

There's a term passed down from generation to generation in the McDonnell family, well at least from Bob to John and me. Apparently my dad liked to talk about passing gas with all of his little buddies growing up. Since their parents (mothers mostly, dad's love it) probably frowned upon this, they came up with an code word for passing gas...SHOOTING CATS.

I have no clue where this derived from. My dad grew up on a block in Jackson that had 500 kids on it. It was written up in the paper and everything. Kids loving life. I wonder how many other people call farting, shooting cats. I mean if Bob was doing it, others had to have been. They were putting them in jars and torturing the little kids by making them smell them.

Is this a McDonnell thing only?


Ann Catherine said...

No, it's not. It's obviously a Montgomery thing too. Ber does that at work - puts them in jars & unleashes them.

Amber said...

um ann catherine forgot to mention they are hers in the jar

Anonymous said...

um its been 3 days.
i'm ready for an update.