Friday, May 23, 2008

Grey Matters

Can we all agree that Meredith and Derek don't need to be together? This is ridiculous.

Also, one thing I think they are doing right at the show is making it more about all of the cast. For a while they were ridiculously focused on M & D. I don't need that. However, I don't know that I want it to be focused on Callie and Hahn. I'll be honest, that one shocked me.

Izzie is cut out for General Practice and the clinic is perfect for her. I think Lexi is definitely going to get into trouble after looking at all of those files. With that mouth, she'll tell someone the wrong thing and there will be a whole investigation into how she knows. Then George will get implicated it in. It might be bad.

And for Alex...i love Karev and am happy to see him have a heart.

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