Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Okay let me wipe my tears for the last recap of the season. You might want to read this right after you watch it because thats the order its in.

What happened to the cocky confident Christian?? - Tim

Don't let it mess with your head Christian - Me

I love it when Christian does his model walk

Let's go pick some fierce girls - Christian

I needed fierce tallness and walks for days - Christian

Gorg 5'10 loved - Christians' notes

Whoa poof dress Christian (I'm nervous)

OMG so the shoes for the collection were flawless...I walked around my apartment in those shoes for like a week if I can do it they can do it - Christian

Be really skinny, don't eat - Christian

Okay I keep seeing feathers I'm nervous about Christian's collection

Ohhh last gather round with Tim :(

Did Christian call them Trainy's...I don't know I've heard him say it before and I can't figure it out. Someone help me out here??

I agree Tim they are the best group

Waking up this morning was like right when you get up NERVES - Christian

Group hug awwwww

Runway time....


Good lord even Rami's models' hair had details

Hiedi I love you but what do you have on?

Michael Corrs and those sunglasses

OMG I'm already crying

Jillian's Collection

Jillian I am loving all these hats and all of these outfits are wearable

ummm maybe not the gold dress looking like a super hero

I LOVED the black and white sweater with the poofy sleeves

Ahhh the short black poofy dress loved it!!

Gosh thats a great collection

How cute is Jillian, why are we not BFF

Rami's Collection

I think I needed to see Rami's in person

I did love the long black dress

I liked Ramis' designs better when he was competing with Chris

I don't know how wearable they were but I mean it just wasn't my taste

Christian's Collection

Ha Ha Christian said whats up everybody

Wheeeew everybody looks fierce - Christian

Wow Christian lots of black

Ha the hat and neck piece...gosh

Loved the red jacket

It was very Christian...I just don't know if I liked it

Wow feather dress...ha ha it makes her booty shake

Of course he posed at the end of the runway...ohhh how I love him

Jillian may not win but she is my pick for sure

Elizabeth Berkley ha I forgot about her...did anyone see that commercial that wasn't DVRing this?

The judges saying bravo...were they plugging the channel???

Aww they liked Jillian's collection

Aww what happened to Christian's fierceness

Posh ha of course she said Christian was major

I agree too much black, but great designs

He made Posh smile...miracle

Brady bunch colors - Rami

Nina is getting on my nerves...Jillian knows who she is

I love it when Hiedi says do we know what we're going to you really think they all just know and agree right there, no way.

For those non DVR people don't you just love Amy Adams, that new movie looks cute

Jillian is out...dang it

Christian is crying...I love this kid


OMG I love him

aww Posh wants to wear his clothes

OMG I can't stop crying

Hello did you have a doubt come on what up - Christian

let me tell you i am taking like a VACA i need a breaky break

Christian Siriano Signing Off!


Sarah Stephens said...

You can keep that kid.

Anonymous said...


Hannah said...

I have been a semi-strong supporter of Christian's for a while, but I was in LOVE with that black gown (pants, actually) that Jillian sent down at the end. completely swayed me...

oh and p.s. ber - you and Jillian might be sisters.

Michael and Jana said...

Yes. Yes. Jillian was my favorite collection, too. But I am going to miss the Christianisms. When he said "vaca" and "breaky break," I nearly lost it!