Monday, December 1, 2008

The Single 7 Year Old

My little cousin Caleb is seven. He's a very inquisitive kid and pretty much asks what is on his mind. So Friday night he got to wondering about my love life.

Caleb: "Aren't you married?"
Sarah: "Nope."
Caleb: "Why not?" (while laughing heartily)
Sarah: "I'm just not. You're not married either."
Caleb: "But I'm only 7."
Sarah: "Yeah, well.."
Caleb: "I can't believe you're not married."


Anonymous said...

So similar to a conversation I had with my 14 year old cousin over Thanksgiving...except he suggested an online dating service. Nice.

Ann Catherine said...

That cracks me UP!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I found your blog tonight and the title of this entry was curious to me so I read it. I have this conversation at least once a year with one of my students. This year it ended with a little girl telling me not to worry there was still time...Awesome, right?
Bekah H.