Ber: i really think we could have a show like rob and big
Sass: berge, we don't even live in the same town
Ber: we're kind of ridiculous like that sometimes
Ber: if we had the show we would
Ber: i mean we can be that funny
Ber: maybe not that obscene
Ber: but that funny
Sass: berge, i don't know
Ber: is this not a good idea
Sass: they have the funds to make it happen
Ber: i think if people saw how funny we were there would be some funds coming in
Sass: people would pay us just to live?
Ber: yah...u know just to make them laugh
Sass: yep, that's how the world works
Ber: livin on the edge
Sass: is that your new thing?
Ber: i can hear bon jovi right now
Sass: isn't that aerosmith?
Ber: HA HA your right
Ber: same diff