Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I think in blogs...

If you read my Xanga, you have read most of this post.'s what you've done to me.

Ever since I was little, I've found it hard to turn my mind off. This occurs especially when I'm trying to get to sleep at night. It once raced with ideas shooting in and out of my head at lightning speed. That's changed now...Now, I think in blogs. I have an idea that pops in my head and BOOM...I'm imagining how I can blog about it. Is this the state we've gotten to? Or is it just me?

On another note...I was hoping to see Adam Levine from Maroon 5 yesterday. I didn't. Apparently I forgot my swerve yesterday and missed the good looking singer. Such is life. I've got to remember to pack my swerve with me when I leave for work.

For the record...Sarah 3, American Idol 0...YOU KNOW IT!!!

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