Friday, February 15, 2008


There are few emotions I love more than laughing until I cry. I did this at work today after seeing a photo of a friend as a child. While the average person may look at it as just another picture, I see it as more of a glimpse into the early years of a certain Erin Hicks Moon.

Let me see if I can describe this photo to you. (I think this description will really help me on my creative writing skills.) Close your eyes and picture this...oh wait, no...keep reading.

Imagine a girl of about 10 or 11 sitting awkwardly on metal folding chair, probably in a church. Erin has long, dark hair with bangs that epitomize the early 90s (don't laugh, you know you had them too.) Wait, this is ridiculous....take a look for yourself.
You may say, "Sarah, that's mean. You shouldn't make fun of your friend's photos!" I concur, although Erin knows how much I love this. The thing is, I have multiple memories of photo like this. Here's to all of us who have photos that we can now laugh at! CHEERS!


1 comment:

Hannah said...

too bad she will never trust you again